måndag 14 september 2015

Week 39

Monday: Collocations page 29

Assume= anta; åta sig, ta på sig
Decline= tacka nej, avböja; minska, gå ned
Distinguish= Skilja (åt): utmärka
Entertain= underhålla; hysa
Feature= kännetecken, karakteristisk egenskap; specialartikel, reportage; visa som huvudsak
Party= grupp, sällskap; part, intressent

Thursday: Compare Pride and Prejudice  with Bridget Jones's diary.
Work together in groups with words from wordlist and practise learning the exercises you have worked with earlier.

Friday: Listen and read Wherefore Art Thou Romeo? Discuss the text and answer questions at page 35. Watch the balcony scene.

Next week
Word formation page 36.  Ordbildning i Modern Engelsk grammatik §10.1 - §10.3

Week 38

We are working with Meeting Mr Darcy this week. Remember to practise the dotted words in the wordlist.

Monday: Discuss Reflect & Share, understand the meaning of adjectives and use the words when describing people in the novel. (page 28)

No English class on Thursday. Another activity.

Friday: Watch the part in the movie Pride and Prejudice we have already read in the book for better understanding. Work with "One word, several meanings" at page 28.