1 They stopped talking politics. (Slutade med det de höll på med)
2 They went on to talk about the (up)coming holiday/vacation. (De bytte samtalsämne)
3 They went on discussing until/till late in the evening. (de fortsatta att prata om samma sak)
4 Sandra stopped to look at the beautiful view. (hon bytte aktivitet, t ex från att gå till att titta)
5. The big family needs to buy a bigger house. ( de måste göra något)
6. Our cottage/house needs painting. (föremålet = huset måste behandlas =målas)
7. I am not used to drinking so much. (Inte van vid att)
8. I usually drink only two glasses. (brukar dricka = nutid )
9. They used to take/go for long walks along the beach. ( brukade gå = dåtid )
10. The police tried to arrest the burglar (försökte göra något)
11. They tried placing/putting the dying plant in a sunnier room to see if it helped. (= ett experiment)
12. It usually helps.( brukar = nutid)
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